If you require a BSL/English Interpreter please contact Jill Henshaw on interpreting@deafmatters.org.uk or 07950462754. Alternatively, you can use FaceTime to make contact.
Fees will vary depending on the type of assignment, duration, complexity, distance travelled and preparation time required – a quote will be provided based on individual assignments at the time of booking. Please see the link below for terms and conditions:
Deaf Matters – Terms and Conditions – Interpreting 2018
Fees are in line with guidance provided by the National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters (NUBSLI), which can be found here.
Information you will need to provide:
Date, time, duration and location of the booking.
Details of the type of assignment.
Number of people involved.
Names of deaf people, if known.
Name and contact details of appropriate person to liaise with.
Details of whom to invoice and a PO number, if necessary.
If you have not worked with an interpreter before please see here for some useful guidance.